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(#9 (permalink))
komitsuki (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Feb 2009
05-31-2009, 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by Kyousuke View Post
why would one student go on a killing spree in his school killing friends and classmates? why would one man kill millions of people and go to war with nearly every nation? some people dont give a reason or even have one for that matter, to do the things they do. north korea already risked a "huge stunt" when they launched a missile so close to the united states a couple of months back. they also risked things by testing fully capable nuclear missiles. which begs the question. why build a nuclear missile in the first place? for show? a nuclear missile has the destructive power to take out an entire city by itself. their is only one reason you would build a bomb and that is to use it. not to hide it away underground
Bad analogy. Diplomacy isn't like a middle school drama.

North Korean missile and nuclear program is primarily for domestic political purpose.

North Korea needs political stability and his third son to lead that country in the future. The North Korean missile and nuclear program serve this purpose very well.