Moral and logical decisions. -
06-01-2009, 05:35 PM
After having a discussion with a group of friends, the topic of moral and logical decisions came up.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me explain it.
There are two sets of decisions. There is the moral set; Good and Evil, and then there is the 'logical' set; Logical and Illogical. After arguing long and hard about it, the groups were evenly split, we got no where with it, but we found out a lot about each other.
Personally, I believe that moral decisions, although good in a a few situations, is the illogical way to go about it. Logic leads me to believe that decisions should be made logically, without any moral or emotion causing me to lead to a decision, and only hard logic.
One thing I asked my group went like this, and it's a perfect example.
Me: Let's say an old granny is crossing the road, and suddenly a car swerves and is about to hit her. You have the chance to save this old woman, but you know, that if you do a child will die because of that choice. What do you do?
Friend that always backed the Morals over logic: I let the Granny get hit.
Me: That is a logical decision. Now let's say the old woman is YOUR grandmother?
That's when everyone stopped and had to think about it. I believe that if I was in that situation, I'd let her get hit. It's the logical thing to do. Someone who had hardly any life, in exchange for someone who has his life ahead of him. EVEN if the granny is my gran.
What are your views on this?
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -