Thread: Kawaii~ ?
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Kimitarusan (Offline)
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06-01-2009, 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by ozkai View Post
Hello, Konnichiwa and Bonjour

Would you please be so kind to step inside this debate on your thread and explain to all where you are from. I know you previously stated, but obviously nobody here is believing you.

Personally, I didn't even bother to look until I had a read of the moderators post.

Are you Japanese?

I guess that means both your parents are Japanese, right?

Were you born in France with Japanese parents, in other words, first generation French?

For me, I will quite happily be your forum friend no bloody matter where you are from, I just dislike to see users talking about another user constantly on a thread. It just doesn't seem polite, or maybe it's my older genration stance.
my dad is german and my mom is japanese, so im not entirely sure. i was born IN japan so im pretty sure that makes me japanese.

ps. if you dont believ me, ill take a picture of my keyboard for you.

Kawaii Askii Kittii strikes again!
(゚、 。 7
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