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(#4 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
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06-01-2009, 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
This isn`t exactly a lot of work to translate, so I just have to ask...
Why have you been able to get others parts translated on your own but not this bit? And why are you waiting until the LAST DAY before it is due?

I`m sure someone will translate it for you, but really - if your graduation depends upon it I find it really sad that you aren`t even trying to do it yourself. I would be glad to help you, but I have no interest in doing someone else`s homework FOR them.

I assume his/her problem in the direct speech is the presence of a high number of idiomatic expressions.
My suggestion is if you don't know the exact idiomati expression in Japanese, just walk around them. When I was studying English and I didn't know how to say something (I still do it now), I say the same thing in different words. So for example where it says "the food belongs to the floor" you can simply say "the food that fell".

Just an opinion...

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