Thread: Blood Type
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06-01-2009, 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Most people in England are O Positive. The rarest is AB Negative.

It's like this I think in England in terms of how common:

O Positive
A Positive
AB Positive
A Negative and O Negative
AB Negative

From what I remember.

I am O Negative which 7% of the population have in England. It is a weird blood type for reasons I forget.
Unless things have changed since my college days that order of prevalence holds true for most of the Western world.

O Negative, while rare, is not weird. In fact most blood banks recruit donors for it almost as much as for O postive. In a crisis, when there is no matching donor, O is the universal substitute for all blood types, but the negative/postive HAS to match. Its not entirely fool proof, but the odds are better than risking someone bleeding out.

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