Thread: Stealing
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06-02-2009, 02:53 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
On one side teens complain they are targeted by in-store security, but then posts like this tell you why.

I understand anyone under the age of about 18 doesn't remember life before the Internet, but when I was "bored" as a kid I didn't have a computer and an infinite number of websites and any number of bored friends online at anytime all around the world. How a kid could get bored in 2009 is a mystery to me, but that just makes me sound old.

Quailboy, you have been one of the more thoughtful new additions to JF, so I hope you listen when I say, please stop. When you steal here's what happens: 1) Stores are forced to get more security (cameras, guards, etc.) Guess who pays for that... 2) Stores have to raise prices to cover losses due to shoplifting. Guess who pays for that...

Stealing might be a thrill for you, but in some ways I'd rather you raid your mom's medicine cabinet than shoplift. Shoplifting is a crime than seriously hits everyone's wallets, so please stop. You have Street Fighter, you have skateboarding. If you still need a thrill jump off a roof, get a job, learn a new skill...but please, stop shoplifting...Imagine getting caught, and then having a criminal record for taking stuff you don't even want. That is the epitome of stupidity.
You know are seriously becoming one of the coolest people to talk to.
I sat here and thought about it..and your totally right.
I have things to do with my life and I dont need to do more things that have a bad impact on an entire community.

"Quailboy, you have been one of the more thoughtful new additions to JF." Thank you, and you have been one of the best mods out of any forum I've been on. No joke.

@Alanx: "people like you who complain about security cameras/guards, when your the reason why they're there in the first place."
I blame the media for making things like this happen, sure, bad kids play a part in it but, think back to Columbine. It was a horrible event, I know. But, the media played it up so much that it MADE people scared. It MADE schools add in extra security.
Fear makes people do some very odd things.

You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you

Last edited by Quailboy : 06-02-2009 at 03:03 AM.