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(#43 (permalink))
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Hyakushi (Offline)
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06-02-2009, 02:55 AM

Hahahahahaha! Ive always thought about this too, for me I believe in change (not to be confused with an Obama sort of change).

For the example, its not about being moral or being logical.
Why must there always be a white and black side to everything and everyone, sure you could be saving a "kid" by letting an elder die but would that really be Moral/Karma/Justice/Right.
I dislike black and white examples because not only do black and white exist but various colors inbetween (Same with religous cults, just saying).
Maybe you would be saving a "kid" but can we really say we saved "so" and "so" seeing how we do not know "so" and "so"?. What if they are not white but grey, what if they grow up to be just another arshole thinking they know everything there is in the world. There are so many infinite possibilities, people become infinitly closer but never touch.

Then can we really say what is logical or Moral?, Nazi's believed they were doing the most logical and moral thing for there Country/Family/Pride.

With so many influences and properganda what do we really know what is right and wrong. We may say we do because we feel that it IS but then are we just going with Ignorance is Strength because we are told what is right and what is wrong.

Are people today really learning and thinking or are they just repeating what they were told. (Are they really thinking or just thinking that they are thinking, taking something someone else said and reforming it as their own. Then again maybe they just want others to think for them because they just don't care or are lazy).

Will people understand what I am typing or do they not want to understand it because they don't want to change nor say they were wrong or right.

This was my whole reason for putting a no religous support for the Kill or No Kill thread I made awhile back, it wasn't because I was hating religons but I wanted people to think. I wanted to see if people could state something they really think is real with out announcing why it IS what it is because they were told what it is. I know this might cause some flaming but I really hope people can talk with out name calling or getting all razdraz inside.

I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.
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