Thread: E3 2009
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(#13 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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06-02-2009, 12:05 PM

I was just gonna post a thread about this but you beat me to it, haha.

Well, there are some interesting things going on.

Firstly, with the Xbox, I knew they wouldn't be able to stop the Halo franchise! I kinda saw that coming.

Metal Gear on the Xbox 360 will clearly piss of PS3 fans as that is their main counter arguement for the exclusives discussion, so oh dear. I think that attitude is being bitter though, and real fans of Metal Gear should be pleased that it's expanding to a wider audience.

About the whole EyeToyNintendoWii rip-off, it's too early to tell what the hell that's going to pan out like. It might be crap, it might be amazing, who knows. I just feel like Xbox needs to get some more originality though instead of ripping off other peoples ideas and mixing it up - similar to what people were saying with 'avatars' being strikingly similar to 'Miis.'

Also, since 'you are the controller,' you certainly won't be able to slouch around on your couch playing games - and that was one of peoples main beef about the Wii. That you always had to be waggling stuff around, but at least with the controller they could have games which means you dont have to do that. Hopefully to combat that, they'll make it so if you simply cba, you can hook up a 360 controller and play.

Oh yeah, and with voice recognition, you just KNOW how annoying that s*** is. It finds it hard to differentiate between languages, accents, if there is background noise, if you talk fast, slow etc. I can see that being a bit of a farce.

We've only seen trailers and a bit of gameplay, so it's still early to make judgements. Looks pretty exciting though, I just love the whole gaming innovations, regardless of the console.

Last edited by MissMisa : 06-02-2009 at 12:09 PM.
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