Thread: E3 2009
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06-02-2009, 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Firstly, with the Xbox, I knew they wouldn't be able to stop the Halo franchise! I kinda saw that coming.
They never announced it would stop. They only announced the trilogy ends with Halo 3. Halo 3 OSDT is an expansion on its own, part of the trilogy.

About the whole EyeToyNintendoWii rip-off, it's too early to tell what the hell that's going to pan out like. It might be crap, it might be amazing, who knows. I just feel like Xbox needs to get some more originality though instead of ripping off other peoples ideas and mixing it up - similar to what people were saying with 'avatars' being strikingly similar to 'Miis.'
How exactly is that a ripoff? EyeToy is 2D and it only uses 1 camera, while Project Natal recognizes 3D movements, facial recogntition, voice recognition. The only similarity they have is the camera. Would you call the first X-Box a ripoff from PS2 because it played same games and had a DVD. No, so why this?

A ripoff is an inferior product. And Nintendo Wii? What's the similarity with it?

Oh yeah, and with voice recognition, you just KNOW how annoying that s*** is. It finds it hard to differentiate between languages, accents, if there is background noise, if you talk fast, slow etc. I can see that being a bit of a farce.
With todays technology, voice recognition is not that accurate but tech develops fast and we might see it somewhat with decent accuracy sometimes in the future.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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