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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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06-02-2009, 01:22 PM

Does "just my 67 cents" work as well?
Not really. "Just my 2 cents" or "Just my $.02" or "let me give you my two cents" or "This is just my two cents, but ..." etc., are the proper usages. The "correct" is two cents.

However, you will sometimes see someone varying it on the internet (I've never seen it as anything other than two cents outside of the internet). This is mainly just artistic license or change in country. I could very easily see someone in Japan saying in English "Let me give you my two yen on the situation" or something like that. I've seen people online talk about .02 euro as well, but I think this still is read "two cents" since "cent" means "one part of 100" in this case.

Saying something like 67 cents sounds wrong. However, I think if I encountered it in a bit of writing by a native, I would assume he deformed the original on purpose and is maybe trying to joke that his opinion is a bit more valuable. However, this is not in any way an "official" interpretation. It's sort of like reading a poem. Using the word "house" (like "2 cents") would "correctly" mean a place you live, but it could metaphorically mean something else that could depend on the reader.

In any case, "two" is the "correct" default usage. It is very rare to see anything other than "two," and anyone who uses something other than "two" (barring exceptions I've mentioned above) probably knows they're using it "wrongly."

Edit: Wikipedia has a page on this:

Edit 2: Also, "his two cents," "her two cents," "their two cents," etc. also are equally correct (albeit rare) in my opinion. "He gave his two cents on the topic" sounds absolutely correct. "He/she/I gave his/her/my three cents" sounds like the author made a mistake or wanted to change it on purpose for a joke or some artistic reason.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 06-02-2009 at 01:24 PM.
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