Thread: E3 2009
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(#19 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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06-02-2009, 02:36 PM

Okay, let me end this silly thing.

Project Nolan looks interesting, we are agreed on that.

Project Nolan took ideas for gaming from the Eyetoy. No, don't say it didn't, just because Eyetoy was a failure and because this sort of stuff has been around for ages. In GAMING, yes, gaming, eyetoy was the first one who introduced it. All Project Nolan is doing, is taking the idea, and expanding it.

MS and Sony have been doing that for the last 5-10 years now. Microsoft's Xbox just took the PS2, and upgraded it in multiple ways (Including by adding online play) then Sony created the PS3 to keep up with the Xbox 360. It's been done before, so stop arguing about such a small thing. It's sounding like a fanboy rant.

Halo is not a trilogy. Trilogy = three, and only three. Did Pirate's of the Carribean make another instalment? No. Bungie is just milking the Halo cow now. Not the mention the game is total shit anyways.

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