Originally Posted by MissMisa
Yeah because fridges are such a competative media industry.
Again you are trying to compare gaming specific situations to everything else in the world - it doesnt work.
At least Nintendo and Sega didn't say - 'Oh we are only making a trilo- hey wait! Halo's sold loads, f*** the trilogy thing, let's make more!'
Point is, they didn't say they were just making a trilogy with their games.
o.O Halo 1 to Halo 3 (including the expansion) is 1 trilogy because it covers one story.
Halo 4 will be another whole story so it will be a 2nd trilogy.
They are not lying at all, it is just you wanting it hard to be like that.
And I would like you to explain me what exactly a ripoff is? a product which contains 1 out of 5 features SIMILAR to another product?