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(#48 (permalink))
JBaymore (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: New Hampshire, USA
06-02-2009, 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by samurai007 View Post
Loose is one of the last words I'd ever use to describe Japan... not to be mean, but "uptight" and "conservative" are far more appropriate descriptors of the country as a whole, as are "honorable" and "responsible".
Absolutely! Excellent series of comments and advice on this stuff there, samurai007.

Darksyndrem, Japan is about the safest place you can go in the world these days. One thing for you and your parents to remember.. is that NO PLACE is totally risk free. There are no guarantees in life. You have plenty of opportunities to "go bad" or get hurt right at home. It is at LEAST as easy to get into troyuble in America as it is in Japan. Likely far MORE easy.

All you can do is do your best to make the most out of opportunities presented to you, and to try to make the best decisions you can.

For example, if your parents feel that walking into a book store and accidentially seeing a few covers of books with somewhat sexually explicit material on them is going to totally "corrupt you" then .....yes, that can happen in Japan. But not in EVERY store you walk into. If your parents are concerned at THAT level.... then you are likely fighting a losing battle.

I agree with Samurai007...... you need to sit down with your parents (sounds like mainly your MOTHER) and have a good ole' heart to heart talk about what her REAL fears area for you traveling. My guess is that the "loose morals" business is actually a smokescreen for the real underlying issues...... which could range from fear of you growing up and no longer being her "baby" to who knows what. And I am NOT belitteling those kinds of things........ they are important and they are REAL.

But rather than focusing on discussions HERE...... you need to head to the kitchen table over some hot tea for a serious chat.


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