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JF Ossan
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06-02-2009, 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

Morality I believe does not use logic. You cannot have a moral choice which uses logic. I have yet to go deeper into that than the situations I've thought of, but at the moment I stand by that belief.

The only way they intervene with each other, is when a good moral decision is an illogical decision, which is most of the time.
You missed my post about morality being the x-axis and logic being the y-axis.

People make moral, logical choices every day. For example: Your father is having a heart attack. Do you call 911?

Morally it is correct as you are trying to save a life.
Logically it is correct as he puts a roof over your head
Emotionally it is correct, as you love him.

I think you are tying emotion too closely to morality. Morality has to do with "right and wrong" and not so much with personal emotions.
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