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(#51 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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06-02-2009, 06:31 PM

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
@Salvanas, at this point, I'm not sure if what I think is immoral is relevant. I think I'm really just comparing Japan to America, in a way. I will still say that what I (and mostly my parents) consider immoral is based on Christian morals, because I've grown up in a Christian household and my parents have as well (Which is no reason to be facepalmed.). And maybe some of you have a different view on Christianity, I know for sure that some Christians have really changed people's perspective on us, in a negative way, which...well I won't get into that. And just to get something straight, the church did not lable sex a sin...only permarital sex (from what I know) and I really don't have much of an opinion on it because I'm just that unstable (?)
That subject is for a different time, if you wish, if you have MSN, we can talk about that over MSN. I think you'd be interested in what I would say.

But I hope you can go over to Japan for the exchange program. It's a lovely country, that I believe everyone should atleast experience one time in their lives.

- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -
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