Originally Posted by xYinniex
the worst rejection in the world is.....divorce
Well, as me and my ex weren't married, we lived together during ten years and have two 8 years old kids. At the beginning of 2009, I noticed agressivity against me, without reason. She just lost her job and thought that she was depressed. I also notice a lot of messages (SMS) sent by her to an unknown number (I mean I could read the number, but didn't who was it) in her phone bill (which is my name, it was formerly my backup phone). I told this to her brother, which is a good friend (my best friend) but I couldn't think she was cheating on me, it was impossible.
An ending march morning, after 3 monthes of tension from her, we had a verbal fight and she told me she was with another guy, a guy she had met at her Kendô club (we had one in Versailles). The funny point is that I paid her Kendô year and since january, she didn't go to Kendô.
Well, I was very sad the first days, and I took the decision to let her go and to keep the kids with me. I tried to heal my wounds and to think about future. But I did a mistake. Since the school year is not finished yet, I decided to keep her home until end of June, just for kids organization (school in/out, wednesday's school days off, ...). At the same time she retrieved a job, and the tension was less palpable.
Somedays it was hard, because she was criticizing me about my manner of house organisation, as she finishes her work late and the other nights, she is to her guy for shagging. I told her as I have to do practically all alone now, she is pissing me off so she has to close her chatterbox.
Well, days and days followed, good and less good. But I was still trying to heal my wounds. I really thought I didn't love her anymore, no after that she did to me.
But, last week-end, I was at the commercial centre were she works. I was with the kids spending a lot of money buying new clothes 'pour avoir la classe' and increase my sexy attraction lol! Then I saw her arriving with her guy, that I never met before. I just stood astonished, just saying an aggressive "Hi!" then fled to the toy shop buying all that the kids would ever want. I felt a deep pain into my heart and then we left the centre.
Since then, I feel bad again, I can only talk hardly with her, I'm hard with her and she is hard with me. When I ask her if the other guy knows about the kids, what he thinks about morality, she would never answer, or there's only imprecise answer. And I could even understand she had no regret, no remorse. About me I could understand perhaps, but for the kids? The kids she always over protected. Well, I think it is my worst rejection.
But now it is soon summer time, I'll kick her ass out within a month, and I'll see for the future. But sometimes I think that I'll never go in couple, or never know a woman ever. Hard point to imagine, but could be (sad but) true. Thanks 4 reading these long complaint