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RKitagawa (Offline)
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06-02-2009, 08:33 PM

Hey MissMisa

Did another paintover just now

basically, because u based it off of the photograph, your pose became limited to that picture. The pose is fine, it's realistic. but it's not that appealing. you are kinda just... standing there and it doesn't show much about the personality of the character.

Think about creating your own pose based on the character in the image, push the personality of that pose. The more exaggerated and cartoony the better.

basically, if you can look at the body of your character alone and you can tell who that person is and what they're feeling/doing. Then the pose is good.

as for the head, there are just a few things to help make it work better in the style you drew.

-draw the bottom of the nose instead of the sides, drawing the sides only makes the nose look big and not that pretty.
-make sure your eyes, nose and mouth line up with the angle of the face. (draw the cross shape on the head for guidelines, it really helps!!)

Since I'm terrible with designing clothing I cant give you any fashion-based tips. But I like the design of the dress anyways.
good luck, if you have any questions: fire away.
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