06-02-2009, 11:35 PM
Too cut a long story short I met a girl last October and we quickly became close friends. Round about the same time an old friend of mine commited suicide, and this girl was my rock, without her I would've died. So anyways fast forward to February, after ages of having feelings for her and being afraid of telling I finally got the courage and told her.
It's been 4 months since we last spoke, I saw her last friday at a concert i had organized and she completely blanked me. The twisted thing is I still wanna be at least friends with her...
Owner of:
(G) Chisato (PENICILLIN)
(D) HAYATO (Moi dix Mois)
(G) Ryu☆ (PureQ&A)
(B) Yu~ki (Malice Mizer)
(G) EITA (Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS)
(V) Marshall K (Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS)
RIP hide, forever in our hearts...