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RadioKid (Offline)
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06-03-2009, 01:08 AM

Me: Let's say an old granny is crossing the road, and suddenly a car swerves and is about to hit her. You have the chance to save this old woman, but you know, that if you do a child will die because of that choice. What do you do?
I'm still wondering about the situation here.

1) what is the cause and effect of the old lady and the "child"?
1-a) which "child are you talking about? is it a certain child? or any child might die somewhere?
1-b) If the old lady dies, the "child" lives forever?
2) How the person (who may/may not help the old lady) know the cause and effect between the old lady and the "child"?

I'm sorry if these are explained already.

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