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ozkai (Offline)
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06-03-2009, 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post

The example was meant to be a broad example, one that you're meant to look at, and just answer the question. Nit picking at the situation only bring up useless details that shouldn't even be there.

There is no link between the child and old lady. It's not a certain special child, it's just A child. And I do't know if the child will live forever. Sometimes there are questions, that should be answered and looked at without trying to know all the details.

I mean, shit, if we go into details might aswell ask questions like; "What is the chance of a plane coming down and killing the boy?" or "What is the chance of the car missing the lady, and hitting you?"

If it makes people better, I'll put it this way.

You're walking down the road, and you have a vision from God. The vision shows the street in front of you, and God tells you that a car will pull out and hit an old woman, killing her. It is your choice to save her. However, he says, if you DO save her, she will later on in life, kill an innocent child.

What do you do?

Is that better?

Must there be a reason and cause to everything?
I'm sorry, but I agree with RK. My mind boggles and I'm wondering if your's does to.

Cheers - Oz
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