Originally Posted by chryuop
Why is that? Don't tell me it has a meaning in Japanese as well. That would be a surprise...
No, unfortunately, we have no such saying about the opinion and the money.
However, it is very interesting to talk about these kind of trivia of each language with foreign people. Discovery of caltual difference often exist among these trivias.
青白いイデアがない: Does this mean "Absent of Pale idea" in English?
Pragmatics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pragmatics, the greatest factor why machine translation always fail.
Thank you Komitsuki. I will check it later on.
RadioKid, we in Texas (maybe other places in the US as well?) have a saying: "queer as a three dollar bill." I think this is the "odd" usage rather than "homosexual" usage in this phrase. I think this is an acceptable idiom to use, although I don't know if you want to sound Texan or not.
The point of the phrase is that there's no such thing as a $3 bill, so a $3 would be odd (i.e., queer). Fake denominations of United States currency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Texas was where I firstly visit in US. Then I could not uderstnad what they said at all....