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godwine (Offline)
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06-03-2009, 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by jwagner120787 View Post
I do understand where you are coming from.
My plan is to rent a room at a guesthouse for about 60000.
Stay a couple of nights in Okinawa for [i giving myself to about 10000 a night].
And the same applies to possibly Tokyo or other areas that is a long train ride from Osaka. Everything else, however, I might just leave in the early morning, and come back on the last train back to Osaka. Since most of it is in the same general direction, I don't see why it won't work. Though, I haven't looked at travel distances with trains that I can ride with a Rail Pass. Or even if it is cheaper to not use a Rail Pass. Right now, I'm still working on accommodation possibilities, and itinerary, then I'll figure out how to get from place to place.

It will work, I never said it won't. I am just worry that if you do that, you will spend too much time traveling, but instead you can probably use that time to cover more grounds and attractions.

Have fun
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