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(#97 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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06-03-2009, 02:13 PM

This question doesn't make too much sense to me. For me, like most people (I'd like to think), if something is morally good, generally it is also logical. Otherwise it seems like you're trying to imply that Evil = Logical and Good = illogical??? If you mean something else, then apologies... I'm simply misunderstanding.

In your example, the only morrally good thing to do is try to save both. That is also the only logical answer for me because there are too many factors involved... e.g. like Nyoronin pointed out, you don't know that the child will have a full life.

If I HAD to choose one because one is guranteed to die and one is guranteed to live a long time afterwards no matter what, then I couldn't decide... I'd have to be living it to decide.

You're walking down the road, and you have a vision from God. The vision shows the street in front of you, and God tells you that a car will pull out and hit an old woman, killing her. It is your choice to save her. However, he says, if you DO save her, she will later on in life, kill an innocent child.

In this situation, I still wouldn't know what to do, but for discussions sake, I'd save the Granny. If you meant this kind of situation, you should've just discussed Minority Report or Capital punishment. lol.

Last edited by noodle : 06-03-2009 at 02:21 PM.
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