Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
The mayo part is new to me but it seems to make sense! I'd probably squeeze some lemon juice before eating. No frypan to wash, either!
おいしいですよ~ キノコも混ぜちゃうとさらにいい感 じです。
マヨの油でホイルにあまりくっつかないので食べやすい です。でもマヨを使わない場合は必ずホイルにバターか サラダ油を塗ってくださいね。
Our toaster has a setting just for foil cooking, so it makes things easy when I don`t have time to make something more complex. Just toss some stuff into a foil pocket and toast. The in-laws have an odd tendency to give us half a salmon 2 or 3 times a year, so it`s also a quick way to clear out the freezer.