Originally Posted by Scoob94P
good luck with your task, for me I write a lot down, about 100 at a time and then put them in an SRS and just learn them, however long it takes.
Good luck, it's good you've found a method that works! 
Thanks Scoob, appreciate the comment and support.
You know you don't have to post 5 times in a row right? You can copy and paste, so you can keep it to one post
Ah, true. never thought of that, thanks
It also depends how you study them.
It took me somewhere around the year to learn 250 kanji. However I do not just learn a sound, for each kanji I learn both reading and try to learn all the meanings as well.
Just to make you understand how long it is, to repeat all 250 reading+meanings my lunch hour at work is almost no longer enough.
Now if you are just "dicking around", what you want to do is fine. If you want to find a constructive way of studying, take your time. I don't think you use Japanese on daily bases, thus what you learn will be forgotten soon. You need to review you kanji everyday (ALL of them) and add new ones only when you are ready. Rushing a bunch of pictures in your head will bring you nowehere. Moreover the more you get into kanji, the more similar kanji you will find and the more you will get confused.
I would also suggest once you arrive at a hundred or so, review you kanji and start writing them down on a regular bases.
Studying kanj is not impossible, but it is not a piece of cake. If you want to stady seriously then plan very well what you are about to do. If you just look for a way to waste time and not learn anything, then you are on the right path.
I understand what you (and many others) are saying. I admit it myself, it's a ridiculous way of studying. But I'm confident that it will help me. I don't expect to remember them all, But I know I'll remember a decent amount.
And I literally have ALL DAY to study and review. from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. And I honestly use a large portion of that time to study/review. So I'm not just "dicking around". I'm serious about this. Thanks for your concern, but I think I'll stick to this method for a while. At least until I notice a decline in my ability to retain new Kanji. So far I think I'm doing alright though.
P.S. anyone know the meaning of
以 ??