Ikaga desu ka!?
Posts: 585
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: My own Private Island ^^.
06-05-2009, 03:42 AM
Don't really think the problem is with asian people in general just Highschool people.
Their are some high strung asians out their but if you know how to talk to them and have basic curtisy then everything should be fine. When I was in high school I hated none asian people because they always thought I didn't know english or basic american "things" (Didn't help that I was EnglishSecondLanguage either but i grew up speaking navajo), its like "WTF!". Hahahahahaha so hopefully your girlfriend isnt like that . Younger asian people now are really different than older generations speacially in america but usually koreans are really outgoing and generous.
Don't know if this helped but you can always PM me if you want.
I'm not racist . . . I hate everyone equally.