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Reavyn (Offline)
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06-05-2009, 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
To play Devil's advocate, even if these movies suck (in fan's eyes) what they do is bring a title to a whole new audience. For some people Dragonball: Evolution will be their first exposure to Dragonball, and that will make them say "I want to see more" or "I want to see the original series". That is why even crappy movies are green-lighted: Exposure. Nine times out of ten the source will be more entertaining than the Hollywood remake, but what it does is funnel people to Japanese media, which is a good thing. That means titles will not stop being published mid-story and mid-series.

Look at the bright side.

And for those of you that think it is cool to like something no one else does, and hates these movies for exposing your secret fandom to the masses, get over it.
It's not that I mind at all that they are making the movies. But can't they write scripts that are atleast okay? And choose better actors. Yes, it probably makes it more popular in the long run, but Hollywoods imagination is gone. Can't they atleast get someone in anime to write the scripts?
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