Thread: New Moon
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(#18 (permalink))
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FeyOberon (Offline)
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06-05-2009, 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by iPhantom View Post
If ruining the vampire myth wasn't enough (draining animal's blood and sparkling body), Stephanie Meyer is now looking to ruin the werewolf myth.

'New Moon' is the new sequel of Twilight, and here we will see werewovles.

But the problem is according to Stephanie Meyer, werewolves can transform at will.

The original myth says that werewolves transform only during full moon and it is inevitable to control it and also the werewolf isn't able to control his actions.

Thanks to her, the new generation will think otherwise. Way to ruin a good myth.

I swear, people need to watch good movies that depict the myth as it is, not deform it to match the basic story of a crappy movie (a girl that dates someone who wants to eat her... makes no sense).

More about it here New Moon (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I hate to be eviscerated for demonstrating an acquaintance with this anathema, so I will begin by mentioning that this series is retarded.

That being said, later books in the series establish that the "werewolves" aren't actually werewolves.

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