Originally Posted by Kyousuke
no , no. i see the bad side of this. but theirs a difference between myth,facts, and entertainment. im a fan of star wars but i dont get mad at the fact that theirs explosions and gun fire in space when sound doesnt exist in space. or the fact that a giant space war is going on is a fictional universe. but if you read from other cultures some vampires are day walkers. people just skim the top of the layer for basic info like not liking garlic or crosses. but you have to understand that vampire myths are made up by people just like the dude who made the twilight books (or chick i forgot). or maybe im wrong. maybe vampires exist in this world. but i highly doubt their getting bent out of shape because of one movie about vampires with inaccuracies in it. which is included in a list of vampire movies hollywood has made. also vampire myths are based on people with a rare disease back in the day when there was no explanation for their behaviors. if you read about vampires they give you another explanation for what a vampire might be.
get it now?
Nope, because Star Wars isn't based on a myth. You can't change what is real out there.
While vampires are kids imagination, and she is manipulating the myth to attract the audience, thus fucking up their minds.
You obviously are ignoring the big influence this movie had. It will get stuck on this kids generation's head.