Originally Posted by MMM
If you have a Japanese teacher that tells you that you can write Jacob in kanji, you need to get a new teacher.
Ask 100 Japanese people to read that kanji and you will get 1000 different answers how to read it, and none of the will be anything close to Jacob.
I said it before and I will say it again, unless your native languages uses kanji, you don't get to have kanji in your name.
Don't speak badly of my sensei. She is as Japanese as they come. She was born and raised in Japan, lived there for a large part of her life, and is a terrific teacher who taught me most of what I know about the Japanese language. She said my name can be written in kanji, but she did say I should use "Yakobu" (the same name, accept it comes from "Yakov" (the original Hebrew name), not "Jacob", the English transliteration) since there's no kanji for "Jei" (as in "Jeikobu"). I know that people can get their names done in kanji. I've heard that even people in Japan can do that for you. Besides, if so many sites talk about it, I doubt it's false. BTW, my sensei didn't give me the site that kanji came from (the one I mentioned); I found that one myself.
Originally Posted by duo797
Just out of my own curiosity, your name comes from the biblical story where the second son is chosen instead of the first, right? Cause that's what strikes me as familiar about that meaning.
Yes, that's right. Jacob was the second son of Isaac. He tricked his father into giving him his older brother Esau's birthright. The story is found in
Genesis 25:19-28:9. ^^