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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-06-2009, 01:29 AM

I have a mini darkroom (bathroom) in my house which I use to tray process sheet film. I did 12 sheets a couple of nights ago, it's not as expensive or difficult as you might think. Doing roll film would be even easier as you can use light proof canisters which you load in a dark bag, meaning that you don't really need a dark room at all (unless you make your own prints as well). You can usually get everything you need (canister, spool, chemicals, thermometer, and mixing containers) for less than $100.

Digital still cannot match film for resolution. My Nikon D300 is rated at 12.3 megapixels, which is about 1/10th the resolution I can get with 4x5 film. Even 35mm film is better. But, you can still upload film images onto your pc for editing or use on the internet. You can get a 35mm film scanner (Canoscan) for less than $100 if you shop around.

If you don't want to buy a scanner, you can go to your local photo shop and they can use your negatives to make a photo cd or dvd.
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