Userame: Musashi
Name: In my KH fanfic, i am me....but here, i think i will use Musashi, aka, Mu
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Not dark (evil), not light (good) in between...Twilight...does that count?
Physical Description: She is about really long dark brown hair that is always worn in a pony tail that reaches to her butt and she always wears black pants and a black tank top...She has peircing green eyes that haunts your thoughts like a terrifyingly stunning ghost. (tee hee, how's that?)
Personality: Somewhat bitchy...likes to stand alone; a bit over confident with herself and really doesn't seek anyone's help...likes to take on challenges and is very closed about where she came from...but she is always open to love!
Bio: Is kind of like Riku in a way....(shoty him by the over to the dark side, but when she came out, she learned something new and decided to be the dark and the light...
KB Name: Desert Rain
KB Element: Uses Fire and Water mainly, but is very capable of handling other spells just as well...mainly an offensive weapon that has extremely amazing attack power
KB Description: Doesn't look like much when just carrying it around, just black with blended in shades and swirls of sky blue and an arabian-desert-sand brown
KB Origin: Forged together by sand of the Arabian Desert in Agrahbah, the waters of the oasis in the Pride Lands, and by the Dark, Twilight, and Energy Crystals and by a silver link on the necklace worn by Xemnas...(damn straight...i know my KH)
KB Strength: On a scale of 1 to least a 18...maybe 19...
KB Speed: Pretty damn to miss enemy, but not impossible to miss enemy
KB Reach: Not very far because more of a close combat blade..but the magic, when used, can reach up to a mile away
KB Skill: Very very very skilled...had lots of expirience
KB Abilities: My favorite, the Trinity Limit, Omega Finale, Finishing Shot, Disaster, Final Strike (My character really doesn't use these though...she is more of an "equal combat" person)
Ok, did i do this right?