Thread: Post a poem!!!
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(#550 (permalink))
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ecwsickboy (Offline)
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Location: originally from NYC now in San Francisco
06-08-2009, 01:56 AM

This is one i wrote about 15 or so yars ago....

My earliest memories are not of anything specific
they are more memories of feelings as opposed to events....
feelings of lonelness
feelings of abandonment
feelings of sadness.....

They say our destiny is forged in these earliest
That our fate is determined at this
Critical Juncture...
The chosen begin their path of righteousness
the ill-fated are doomed from the beginning
the unfortunate devour themselves, searching for

You see we are all prisoners of our own
nature, locked is certain patterns of behavior.
I could no sooner change my ways then i could
stop a bird from migrating south for winter or
salmon from spawning.....

Life of distructive taste
I Choose
to walk amongst the waste
it was your heart...
lost in the dark
call off the chase...
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