Lord of the Æsir
Posts: 270
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Midgard
06-08-2009, 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by MMM
Lying about your nationality is not acceptable, so I will allow you to revise your introduction and explain why your Japanese is full of so many errors.
I do not believe it is the correct course of action to air this out in the open. As a moderator you should know this is something that should be handled through PMs. To do so without getting his position will only sow misunderstanding and distrust within the forum.
Personally I have little doubt about HaipaKun's nationality. I confess to know next to nothing about the Japanese language. However I was introduced to him over a year ago, and I firmly believe what he says. Although they are no longer hosted, I've seen a few videos, of himself practicing his English, that he once uploaded to YouTube.
In the end it is upto you and the other moderators of this forum, to arrive at a desicion on this matter. However now that this has been introduced in the public, the resolution should be as well. If it is determened that he presented to truth, then a public retraction should be given to remove any lingering doubts that anyone may harbor.
The Honored of Valhöll are: Acidreptile: my spiritual brother, smilexfreak7: milaya moya sestra Tsuzuki: my dark goddess, =Kanji: the eternal wanderer, Zenit: future world conquer, Michieru: self proclaimed mastermind of genius and the rest of my family in the ~+VaMpiRe ClAn+~