Originally Posted by Odin
I do not believe it is the correct course of action to air this out in the open. As a moderator you should know this is something that should be handled through PMs. To do so without getting his position will only sow misunderstanding and distrust within the forum.
Personally I have little doubt about HaipaKun's nationality. I confess to know next to nothing about the Japanese language. However I was introduced to him over a year ago, and I firmly believe what he says. Although they are no longer hosted, I've seen a few videos, of himself practicing his English, that he once uploaded to YouTube.
In the end it is upto you and the other moderators of this forum, to arrive at a desicion on this matter. However now that this has been introduced in the public, the resolution should be as well. If it is determened that he presented to truth, then a public retraction should be given to remove any lingering doubts that anyone may harbor.
All I wish is that you read Japanese. If you did, it wouldn't take you two seconds to tell that Japanese isn't his first language.
Him practicing English? lol His English is already 80 times better than his Japanese. Don't kid yourself. We wouldn't challenge him in public unless we weren't 100% sure.
As a lower teenager living in Kyoto, he sure keeps posting in the middle of the night, too.