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Odin (Offline)
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06-08-2009, 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
Odin, I may not sound convincing because you don't know of me despite my post count. Most of my posts are in the Language section. I'm a seasoned native speaker of Japanese. Go take a look at who answers the most difficult questions there.

The OP is a fake. Just trust me and MMM because I can't wait till you have learned enough Japanese to decide for yourself. Everything he says in Japanese is gibberish. That is NOT the kind of Japanese one would learn from his Mom. Doesn't matter if he's regular schooled or homeschooled. No native speakers speak Google Japanese!

If he were left alone, that would only help create new "victims" like you. Getting excited about making friends with a Japanese and finding out that they had nothing to do with Japan.

I am quite familiar with you. I tend to be the type of person whom only posts when I feel the need arises. I do view you in general as an extremely competent person, and your posts generally reflect this. Henceforth, because of this competence in what you write, I rarely find the need to add to it. In other words, I do respect you and view you as a valuable resource to this community.

Likewise I feel the same about MMM. Since I first joined JapanForum, he has been something of a moral compass for the community. I know others share this opinion with me, or else he would have not been a popular choice as a moderator during the dark days of Kanji's hiatus from the site. MMM is quite diligent in the pursuit of these morals, and should be applauded for it.

It is only that sometimes that during the pursuit of the greater moral right, sometimes people have a tendency to step over the bounds of the morals of lesser importance. In other words they end up doing the wrong things for the right reason. This is my argument. On more than one ocastion I have seen MMM pursue an issue in a way that is only about protecting the those he views as the victims without regards to the accused. Some cases, such as this, the argument against the accused is strong. Morals ... well ... they can be a tricky thing. They are a razor thin wire that does not follow the strait path. There is no black. There is no white. Just an infinite field of greys, of both light and dark.

I say that this, and other such incidents, should have been handled with a little more discretion because of reputation. In this world, we call the internet, reputation is pretty much the sum total of what we are within it. Reputation is a bit like "Humpty Dumpty". All the kings men, and all the kings horses, will never put it back to gather again. Likewise neither will the most sincere apology. On more than one occasion, I have seen members simply disappear after someone has accused them of immoral actions or motives. Some of them will stand and fight, however many will simply walk away once they perceive their honor being tarnished. Although this is not true for this case, often because of cultural misunderstandings.

MMM said, "JF is not America, and there are no executive, judicial and legislative branches. There is no trial system, right to attorney, etc." But this is not correct. The moderators serve all of those functions and maybe a little more. It is they who write the laws, enforce the laws, investigate when the laws when they are broken, and punish those who have broken them. They must are judge, jury and executioner. They must the the prosecutor of those who commit the crimes, but they should also defend the rights of those who stand accused. When this came up, the first action of a moderator should have been a private message to him, and let him speak in his on defense. Once an accusation has been made in the open blazoned with those red letters, damaged has been done!

Do not get me wrong. I think, if guilty he should be punished for such actions. I just ask that he be allowed to speak before his name is inscribed into the book of the damned! Now there's an idea. Let there be a list of the damned. A sticky thread emblazoned in those red letters at the top of the forum. Let all those who are sentenced, be written down and their crimes enumerted for all the world to see! If you feel the need to protect the sheep from the wolves, let them know the name of the wolf.

OK, I'll get off of my soapbox for a little while ... and MMM? You know I love ya man. I wouldn't prod you so, if I didn't see the potential in you to become the greater man. Besides, I never find it wise to argue with a brick wall.

The Honored of Valhöll are: Acidreptile: my spiritual brother, smilexfreak7: milaya moya sestra Tsuzuki: my dark goddess,
=Kanji: the eternal wanderer, Zenit: future world conquer, Michieru: self proclaimed mastermind of genius
and the rest of my family in the
~+VaMpiRe ClAn+~

Last edited by Odin : 06-08-2009 at 08:44 PM.
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