Originally Posted by Nagoyankee
There was a free rock concert in town yesterday. Today, Karate Master Nagoyankee III asked eleven (11) of his students if they went to the concert.
They answered as follows:
A: 行かなかった
B: 行けばよかった
C: 行けなかった
D: 行くべきだった
E: 行ってよかった
F: 行きました
G: 行きたかったけど・・・
H. 行った
I: 行かなければよかった
J: 行くつもりだったけど・・・
K: 行っとけばよかった
Question 1: Who went and who didn't go?
Question 2: Who went but clearly didn't like the concert?
Please don't be shy to post your answers. I will give the answers in a few days. Thanks. ![V Sign](images/smilies/v.gif)
A: 行かなかった - I didn't go.
B: 行けばよかった - I should have gone. (same as 行った方がよかった。)
C: 行けなかった - I couldn't go.
D: 行くべきだった - I should have gone.
E: 行ってよかった - I was allowed to go (行ってもよかった)/ I went and it was good.
F: 行きました - I went.
G: 行きたかったけど・・・ - I wanted to go but,
H. 行った - I went.
I: 行かなければよかった - I wish I didn't go.
J: 行くつもりだったけど・・・ - I intended to go but,
K: 行っとけばよかった - I should have gone (in preparation for a future event)
Question 1: Student E probably went, actually I think he went. F, H and I went.
The remaining didn't go.
Question 2: Student I said he wish he hadn't had gone, so I think he mustn't have enjoyed it very much.
That was fun!