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YoshimiTheEthereal (Offline)
Posts: 386
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Location: U.S.
06-09-2009, 06:29 AM

That's not quite my case, and I am not a lesbian.

I am androgynous. I was born with the female sex, but the way society describes me to be (other than physically) is more of a male, although I am not entirely masculine, nor feminine. I am androgynous because I fit nicely in the middle of what society expects me to be; I seem to not 100% fit into the male category, and especially not the female category.

I consider homosexuality and heterosexuality to depend on sex, not gender, so my being attracted to males, and being sexually a female, I am heterosexual.

Don't think that transgenderism is impossible. Transgenders have been created mostly by society. When we are rejected by society for being different for not fitting into our sex roles, we do not see ourselves as that gender. Like, according to society, I should have like Barbies when I was a child, not Hotwheels, I should wear dresses, and I should act a certain way. I do not do these things, so I cannot consider myself a girl.

Society has grouped people according to the way they are born according to someone's ideas of what each sex should be like. Like a rule book that should brainwash every individual. If you do not follow this rulebook, you are considered a freak. Therefore, if you are a female and you prefer men's fashion, or are a male that likes My Little Pony, then you are a freak.

Society needs to stop this. All sex means is whether you can carry a baby or fertilize it, and which parts of the brain you use. That's it. The "Y" chromosome doesn't say "Hey, buddy! You have to like the color blue!". Society has warped peoples' minds with nonsense. Gender segregation should not exist except maybe in special situations, like restrooms. I should not have to sit on one side of the bus because I can bear a child, and my friend on the other side because he can produce sperm.

"And so, if you say in a beautiful rose there are thorns, in Lareine there is me, and behind that there are these guys (Emiru, Mayu, and Machi)."
(Kamijo is the beautiful rose and Emiru, Mayu, and Machi are the thorns.)
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