Originally Posted by minminRW
Ichiro is called Ichiro, but Takashi Saito is called "Sammy".
I know many people who are called with western-styled name such as "Roger" or "Terry", I think that may be because of request by English speaker.
The name Sammy was given to Takashi Saito by his teammates. That's different thatn if he said "my name is Samuel" or "my name is 'Collection-of-random-non-name-words-mashed-together'"
Originally Posted by minminRW
My teacher Littlemore said to students "You can also call me Koike-san because more means pond in old English.
That's fine, except if you were an actual member of the Koike family [Kazuo Koike is a famous manga writer and novelist] and might not appreciate people appropriating your name. It would be a little like if a Japanese person declared their last name was Kennedy or Baldwin.