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mercedesjin (Offline)
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06-09-2009, 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I don't feel like searching for articles about homophobia in Japan. You said you read some news articles, and I'd like to read the ones you had read.

You are applying Western thinking to a culture that's been doing it it's own way a lot longer than we have. Japan is pretty much "don't ask don't tell" about all things private (to make a sweeping generalization) especially what goes on in the bedroom. It doesn't just apply to gays, but to everybody. As long as what you are doing doesn't affect me, I won't worry about it.
Yes, I did read articles. No, I'm not going to spend time looking up those articles for you. Google is actually pretty easy if you try looking them up yourself.

The oppression of sexuality is a global event, not just a Western thing. Don't ask, don't tell is found in the West too. It's a code of conduct in the military. It takes away a basic right for men and women in the military. It takes away a basic right for men and women all over the world where ignoring their sexuality is a way of life. Japan isn't excluded from that. Even if you apply don't ask, don't tell to every single detail of a culture, it doesn't mean it's not oppressive in anyway.

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