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JF Ossan
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06-09-2009, 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post
And I said I'm not going to look for them for you. I didn't memorize the links. I found them on Google. Let it go.

I don't really understand what the point of the history of bathing in Japan is. If it's to say that Japan is a country of don't ask, don't tell - then yes, I already understand that. Many countries hold this same concept. It's still oppressive.

See, Japan is a heteronormative society. That means that everyone is assumed to be straight. If someone cannot correct the mistaken assumption that they are straight, then they are being forced to ignore their identity. It's a fact that if you can't speak about your identity, then you are being oppressed.

I'm not really sure why this is becoming such a back-and-forth. No offense, but it's a little annoying now. Let's just agree to disagree.

Also: if you're going to use gay to describe someone, the correct term is "gay people." "Gays" comes off a little derogatory.
I simply tried to answer your question, but it sounds like you already had the answer. I didn't mean to annoy. Enjoy your time in Kyoto.
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