Originally Posted by PockyMePink
I've never met a sane fan in my life.
If one is not obsessing about how "HAWT" the male characters are, then they aren't fans of the book (cause really, what else is in the book to is there to obsess over, or even LIKE? There is no story, no plot, no conflicts, no character develops to enjoy, all the characters are flat and never change. What else can they enjoy other then their image of the perfect attractive vampire stalking an average human?)
*raises hand* Sane fan in this direction.
I don't obsess about how "HAWT" the male characters are. Those who do only that, I don't consider real fans at all. They're just fake fans who go along with the flow because that's what's "in" right now. The ones who also start to fight with anti-Twilighters are also not Twilighters.
Let me tell you about real Twilighters. They don't just talk about the male characters. They talk about the book, they talk about the movie, and they certainly talk about the characters that don't know the existence of the vampires. Twilighters are also okay with anti-Twilighters and are open-minded about things like this because we know that not everyone can be into the same thing.
~C ya