Originally Posted by Tenchu
That is scientifically impossible. She is just a lesbian. Nothing wrong with that, but I dislike it when people try to make something up about it.
If you look at how babies are made, we are all originally female (hence why men have nipples which form before they become male). A switch is flicked at some stage or it is not (in our genetic code), if it is, you become male after getting an injection of hormones that encourage the male organs and brain to form. If not, you stay female.
There are cases where the switch is flicked, yet problems occur (such as Nyororins boy), and they are born with deformed genitals and perhaps other problems; they may have gender identity issues, tossing up over whether they're more male or more female. But it is litterally impossible for a male brain to form in a female without growing a penis (or at least half a penis) in unison; other words, she is just a lesbian.
Yoshimi, be proud of who you are, don't hide behind something you're not.
Umm.... you do realise that Gender Identity Disorder is a psychological disorder and not a biological one right?
Therefore you can't say that she is just a lesbian. Because many lesbians are happy with being women.