Tired Philosopher...
Posts: 695
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Today, I'm here. Tomorrow? Who knows
06-10-2009, 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by seiki
Latley ive been making my ramen then frying it with peas and carrots with shrimp or any kind of meat i can find. Then i top it with any kind of sauce I can concoct like ketchup and soy sauce or fish sauce and more kethup. maybe some sweet and sour sauce. mmmm
is it still ramen or supremely awsome fried noodles??????
Ketchup huh? Lol sounds interesting! I made ramen for my whole family the other day. keep in mind that means a meal for 9 people! I put lots of vegetables but we didnt have any meat sadly...
 I'm pretty content with life right now....For the most part, anyway....Well, at least, I'm pretty sure I am....