Thread: Gackt
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Miyavifan (Offline)
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06-10-2009, 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by YoshimiTheEthereal View Post
What?! No!!!! Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! This vid got taken down before I could watch it, too! Argh, this almost always happens to me! WHY?!

(takes a deep breath) I'll live, but I really wanted to see that of Gackt-sama.

And those "bears" dancing with him are cats, aren't they? Aren't they the same ones with him in Soleil and U+K?
Man I really dislike that!

I want to see that vid of Gackt.

hide... always in my heart. I love you.... my pink spider....
My one wish is 2 meet Kyo. seriously.
R.I.P. Jasmine....
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