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Rayne (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2009
06-10-2009, 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by daywalker926 View Post
Okay here's my problem.
I had a girlfriend. We met through one of my classes and after school the day we met she asked if I could be her boyfriend and I said yes mainly because well most girls never ask me out and hwen I try to ask them out somehting always gets in my way. So I said yes and we dated for a week. Well I broke up with her because she was already planning on Prom, Marriage, kids and even dropping out once I graduate. Now although I've never really had a girlfriend before this I didnt mind it at first but then I realized that she was going WAAAAY too fast. So... I broke up with her.
Now onto the big problem. Somehow I feel like I still miss her and she's already moved to a new school, ontop of that all my friends started getting dates and I'm still single. I dont know what to do about this. Did I make a bad decision on breaking up with her or no?
Instead of just breaking up with her for that,which I find pretty immature but no offence,you could talk about it with her at first if you didn't.
And I'm sorry but are you trying to fit in?O.o
It's wrong to push yourself to be like the others.It's not like you're cursed for being a single.
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