Originally Posted by MMM
I came across this sentence and thought it was an interesting one because you would hardly ever structure a sentence like this in English so it took me a few glances to feel comfortable I understood it.
誤解のないように申し述べておくと心身の浄化を行なっ ても、上記の心の負の部分が消えてなくなるわけではな い。
I realize the context isn't clear, but I am mainly referring to the last 1/3 of the sentence 消えてなくなるわけではない
No too sure if you wanted us to try translating that. In case you did, mine would be:
"In order for us to be free of misunderstnading, let me state that even if one purified one's mind and body, it wouldn't (automatically) mean that all the negativities in one's mind would completely disappear."