Thread: Easy way?
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RKitagawa (Offline)
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06-11-2009, 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Rayne View Post
First of I started out with Hiragana but gave up cause I simply could not memorize them.
uhm... don't give up so easily? If you really try, it only takes a few days to memorize hiragana. And then a few more weeks to get really comfortable with them. It sounds to me like you tried to memorize them for about an hour and then gave up.

if you really really can't memorize them for some reason, then I always find the best way is to just go through the alphabet one by one, and write it down over and over again until it's drilled into your brain.
for example: Start with "あ" write that until you think you have it memorized, then move on to the next one: "い" while your writing this one though, write the first one as well so that you don't forget it. Go through the entire column like that until you feel comfortable writing all 5 characters あいうえお.

move on to the next column and repeat.

the most important thing however is endurance. If you don't have the motivation to study until it's memorized. then clearly, you won't be able to memorize it.
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