Minmin, I understand how to use と with those other verbs (思う、感じる). I was just trying to figure out if you could use い形容詞+となる. I've never seen it before, so I assumed not. You've confirmed my suspicion. I've known い形容詞+動詞 turns the final い into く, which I think technically speaking turns it from い形容詞 into a 副詞. Actually, I think in the structure な形容詞に動詞, な形容詞に is an adverb, technically (it does modify a verb). But I could be mistaken.
And I'm confused by your statement that the first two are interchangeable. I distinctly remember a professor at my Japanese university explaining that になる and となる are differentiated in that the former is a more gradual change, while the latter is more rapid (nigh instantaneous). Was I taught wrong? I've been using it that way for many years now...
Edit I did a little searching and found this blurb:
4は「に」と共通する点があるが、「と」はその結果を� �すのに重点がある。7は、現在も「ありとあらゆる」な� ��の慣用句的表現の中にわずかに残っている。
This disappoints me. I was taught incorrectly and I've been using it wrong. I had believed what I was taught because most of my Japanese reading now is newspaper articles, and I've been seeing stuff like 大統領となる, where you would pretty much instantaneously become President. It's not a gradual thing, as opposed to 大人になる, which is gradual.
Edit 2: For some reason a few characters are becoming boxes when I hit the "save" button in the forum. I can see them just fine in the editing box, but they become boxes after submitting the comment. Weird.