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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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06-12-2009, 08:44 AM

A mind which needs external chemical stimulation "to open" is not the kind of mind a thinking person needs.

You will not live to be old enough to see marijuana tolerated in Japan. Japan does not want the kind of drug problems which America and other countries have, so drug laws are very strict, and they are mercilessly enforced. People who are arrested with even a tiny amount of marijuana will find their names in the nationwide papers, and may get to see themselves on the tv news as well.

5 foreigners were arrested for, or admitted to possession of marijuana over the last several months. 2 were Russian Sumo wrestlers, one was a businessman, the others were university teachers. All got to see their names and pictures in the news before they were ceremoniously deported and banned from ever returning to Japan. What's more, their actions hurt the reputations of their employers and sponsors, who had to apologize publicly, as well as pay restitution to apartment owners and other creditors when their employees were deported.

The bad thing about being arrested in Japan is that you simply disappear. You can be held for 2 weeks without charge, and they are not required to to let you contact anyone, even a lawyer. You will be deported without getting a chance to make any arrangements, more than likely in the clothes you were wearing when you were arrested. You won't be given a chance to go to your apartment and pack, or go to the bank and withdraw your money.

If you think Japan's laws are tough, you should try Singapore or Thailand, where you'll be beaten publicly and forced to serve jail time before being deported. In China drug users are treated harshly, while dealers are given noisy public "trials" where they are quickly found guilty and sentenced to death. There are no appeals, when you leave the courtroom you are taken directly to the execution grounds.

Think very carefully about how using any kind of drugs when you are traveling or working overseas, for every horror story you have heard there are many more that you haven't. You don't want to end up having one of your own to tell.
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